
yaqc Introduction

Title:yaqc Introduction


A generic python yaq client is can be installed via PyPI. The client program works on Python ≥ 3.6.

$ pip install yaqc

Or installed via conda:

conda install -c conda-forge yaqc

You may also install from source:

$ git clone https://gitlab.com/yaq/yaqc-python
$ cd yaqc-python
$ pip install .


yaqc provides a generic client which dynamically adds methods to match those provided by the daemon it is connected to. To connect to a daemon running locally on port 38000:

>>> import yaqc
>>> client = yaqc.Client(38000)

If your daemon is running remotely, simply add the host as a paramter:

>>> import yaqc
>>> client = yaqc.Client(38000, host="")

client is now a python object which can be used as any other, with all the expected methods. For example, if the daemon implements the has-position trait, the object will have methods get_position, set_position and so on.

The daemon which you are connecting to need not be itself implemented in python, only has to follow the yaq daemon specification.

Using the Client

Methods are called on the client object, which handles the daemon communication layer transparently:

>>> client.id()
{'name': 'my-test-daemon', 'kind': 'some-daemon-kind', 'make': None, 'model': None, 'serial': None}


While the generic client exposes all daemon capabilities, there may be times where you wish to add some client side computation (e.g. unit translation, stringing together multiple daemon calls). This is allowed, and can be accomplished using subclassing. The code which is generates the dynamic functions will not overwrite your own functions (it will also not populate the doc string).

The following is an example of a subclass which uses the unyt library to provide client side unit conversion:

import unyt
import yaqc

class UnitClient(yaqc.Client):

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        # This assumes the `has_position` trait is implemented
        self._units = self.get_units()

    def set_position(self, position, units=None):
        """Set the position to a value in units.

        position: float or unyt.unyt_quantity
        The position to set.
        units: string or unyt.Unit
        The units for the number.
        if units is not None:
           position = unyt.unyt_quantity(position, units)
        if isinstance(position, unyt.unyt_quantity):
        return self.send("set_position", float(position))

In this example, the set_position method will not be overwritten. A similar function could be written for get_position.

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