The gage-compuscope daemon can be installed using the following package managers:
The gage-compuscope daemon is composed of the following traits:
The gage-compuscope daemon has been tested with the following hardware:
channels (array)
default: []
depth (int)
default: 240
Post-trigger depth, in samples.
enable (boolean)
default: True
Disable this daemon. The kind entry-point will not attempt to start this daemon.
from is-daemon
ext_clk (boolean)
default: False
Enable or disable external clocking functionality. If external clocking is activated, the sample rate must be set to the external clocking frequency. Not all CompuScope hardware supports external clocking.
log_level ({'name': 'level', 'symbols': ['debug', 'info', 'notice', 'warning', 'error', 'critical', 'alert', 'emergency'], 'type': 'enum'})
default: info
Set daemon log-level.
from is-daemon
log_to_file (boolean)
default: False
Optionally force logging to a file.
from is-daemon
loop_at_startup (boolean)
default: False
If set to true, the daemon will begin to loop measure as soon as it starts.
from has-measure-trigger
make (['null', 'string'])
default: None
from is-daemon
mode (int)
default: 1073741828
Sets the operating mode of the CompuScope system. Refer to the CompuScope documentation for valid values. Default is 1073741825 for FirmWare Averaging
model (['null', 'string'])
default: None
from is-daemon
port (int)
TCP port for daemon to occupy.
from is-daemon
record_count (int)
default: 1024
Number of records to collect. Can be thought of as nshots in firmware averaging mode.
sample_rate (['null', 'int'])
default: None
Sampling rate in Hertz. If not provided, model-dependent default is used.
segment_size (int)
default: 240
Size of the segment to capture. A segment is the sum of the pre- and post-trigger samples that are to be acquired.
serial (['null', 'string'])
default: None
Serial number for the particular device represented by the daemon
from is-daemon
time_stamp_clock (enum)
default: Fixed
The time-stamping clock may operate in one of two modes. In fixed mode, the on-board oscillator will be used as the counter source. In sample mode, a frequency derived from the sampling clock will be used as the counter source.
time_stamp_mode (enum)
default: Free
The time-stamping counter may be reset upon the start of each acquisition or left free-running.
trigger_delay (int)
default: 0
Number of samples to acquire between the occurance of the trigger event and the actual logging of the trigger event. By using this you can more easily capture signals far away from the trigger. Not all CompuScope models support TriggerDelay.
trigger_hold_off (int)
default: 0
Number of samples during which trigger events will be ignored after the system begins capturing. This is useful for ensuring the accumulation of a specified amount of pre-trigger data.
trigger_time_out (int)
default: 1000000
Trigger timeout of the CompuScope system. The value is in 100 nanosecond units of time (e.g. a value of 10,000,000 gives a trigger timeout of 1 second). A value of -1 will cause the driver to wait indefinitely for a trigger.
triggers (array)
default: []
The gage-compuscope daemon will provide the following state information:
segment_count (int)
Number of times to acquire nshots.
The gage-compuscope daemon will expose the following public messages:
➜ boolean
Returns true if daemon is currently busy.
from is-daemon
➜ {'items': 'string', 'type': 'array'}
Get current channel names.
from is-sensor
➜ {'type': 'map', 'values': {'items': 'int', 'type': 'array'}}
Get current channel shapes. If list is empty, channel is scalar.
from is-sensor
➜ {'type': 'map', 'values': ['null', 'string']}
Get current channel units.
from is-sensor
➜ string
Full configuration for the individual daemon as defined in the TOML file.
This includes defaults and shared settings not directly specified in the daemon-specific TOML table.
from is-daemon
➜ string
String representing the absolute filepath of the configuration file on the host machine.
from is-daemon
➜ {'type': 'map', 'values': ['int', 'double', 'ndarray']}
Returns map of channel_name to measured_value. Always returns additional key measurement_id.
from is-sensor
➜ {'type': 'map', 'values': 'ndarray'}
Get a dictionary of 1D arrays of measured samples.
➜ {'type': 'int'}
Get current measurement_id. Clients are encouraged to watch for this to be updated before calling get_measured to get entire measurement.
from is-sensor
➜ int
Get the currently planned number of chunks.
➜ {'items': 'int', 'type': 'array'}
Get current segment count limits as defined by on-board memory.
➜ string
Get version of the running daemon
from is-daemon
➜ {'type': 'map', 'values': ['null', 'string']}
JSON object with information to identify the daemon, including name, kind, make, model, serial.
from is-daemon
➜ int
Initiate a measurement. Returns integer, measurement ID.
from has-measure-trigger
loop (boolean)
default: False
➜ null
Set the chunk count.
count (int)
➜ null
Cleanly shutdown (or restart) daemon.
from is-daemon
restart (boolean)
default: False
➜ null
Stop looping measurement.
from has-measure-trigger
The gage-compuscope daemon uses the following avro types:
coupling_mode (enum)
default: DC
symbols: ['AC', 'DC']
impedance_mode (enum)
default: fifty
symbols: ['fifty', 'onemeg']
channel (record)
range (int)
Full input range in millivolts.
coupling (coupling_mode)
impedance (impedance_mode)
diff_input (boolean)
default: False
Enable differential input coupling. Not all CompuScope models support differential input coupling.
direct_adc (boolean)
default: False
Enable direct-to-ADC input coupling. Not all CompuScope models support direct-to-ADC input coupling.
filter (boolean)
default: False
Enable low-pass filtering. Not all CopuScope models support low-pass filtering.
dc_offset (int)
default: 0
DC offset for this channel in millivolts. Can be negative or positive.
signal_start_index (int)
default: 0
Start index for signal region in post-processing. NumPy style indexing.
signal_stop_index (int)
default: -1
Stop index for signal region in post-processing. Numpy style indexing.
baseline_start_index (['null', 'int'])
default: None
Start index for baseline region in post-processing. NumPy style indexing.
baseline_stop_index (['null', 'int'])
default: None
Stop index for baseline region in post-processing. Numpy style indexing.
use_baseline (boolean)
default: False
Enable baseline subtraction for post-processing.
invert (boolean)
default: False
If true, post-processed signal is inverted.
trigger (record)
range (int)
Full input range in millivolts.
condition (int)
Trigger condition. Refer to the CompuScope documentation for valid values.
level (float)
default: 0.0
Trigger level as a perentage of the input range of the trigger source (half the full scale input range). For example, in the 2000 mV range at 0 DC offset, 50 would be positive 50% of 1 Volt, or 500 millivolts.
source (int)
Trigger source. Refer to the CompuScope documentation for valid values.
coupling (coupling_mode)
impedance (impedance_mode)
built 2024-02-09 01:44:16 CC0: no copyright